“A lot of women was hiding stuff...in this class a lot of women came out of their shell...me too...we was able to get it out...like seeing flowers broke...we would break down and after that, see each other grow...we would comfort each other...thank God we got it out...”
“The role plays were exciting...a lot of feedback. Every person sees things differently...we were trying to break through and communicate...it wasn't working...we turned the tables around...narrowed it down and got through to the person. Everyone got involved.”
“Oh...my partner! I got news for him. He been locked up and I haven't seen him. I went to the clinic and I am pretty proud of myself...came back negative. First thing I'm gonna do is have him get tested before we have sex. The program empowered me to do that. I'm not gonna take his word...if he don't love me enough to get tests done...then we won't be doing nothing...program helped me think this through.”
“ I am going to talk different to my youngest son. As a matter of fact, I wished I had those stories before when I talked to my older son. I was trying to cram it down his throat. I didn't know how to talk to him...but because of this program, now I know how to talk to my 13 year old so he won't feel embarrassed or ashamed.”
“Made me more into my girls...I feel like I can have conversations with them instead of always yelling...helped me with my parenting...”
The Power to Speak, The Power to Prevent

The African American project entitled, The Power to Speak, The Power to Prevent, is written in English and includes a facilitator's guide. This project includes stories about crack cocaine and alcohol addiction, love, jealousy, pleasure, poor communication between youth and between youth and adults, men who have sex with men and with women, men who have sex with men, prison culture, child molestation, domestic and sexual violence. sex, sexuality and sexual health from women and men's points of view and basic information about sexual and reproductive health including about HIV/AIDS and sexual rights for adolescents and adults. This program was sponsored by Common Ground, funded by the Weingarten Foundation and is jointly copyrighted by Kathleen Cash and Common Ground.