“I will live to remember what a change so remarkable is in my marriage. The most surprising thing to me is the program depicted much of my own situation. The story of "Robert and Hellen" showed me many things... I did not know what to do about them. When my husband would force me into having sex, I thought it was his right since he had paid dowry to my family. The following day, we would wake up--not talking to one another for two days. The program told my husband that there is the need to talk ourselves. After I attended the program, I realized I have a voice, which must be respected against forced sex. He asks me for sex and if interested, I give in. If not, he behaves maturely and leaves it. I really applaud the program.”
“This program brought peace to my marriage. I can save and pay for school fees. Before would go for any woman when I was drunk. I realized my life was in danger and the women that I loved were giving me threatening words. Now we live together peacefully. I remember one of them thanked me for leaving these other women.”
“The things we discussed in this program brought a change to my life. I did not mind my daughters coming home late. But now I tell them to see that by 6:00 pm in the evening, they are home. I told my younger daughter who is yearning for a husband to please use a condom and say 'no' to men who are not serious. This boldness to speak I got from this program. I have learnt to sit down and talk to my children asa mother. After I talked to this daughter, she told me that she has a boyfriend who wants to marry her. I told her it is okay to bring him home. Now I know that you can put a child down and talk to that child. You don't have to beat a child to make him understand.”
“What I learned and love from this program is that it has made my husband to accept to go for HIV testing. Before the training, I told my husband to go with me and tested for HIV but he refused.”
“I advised my father to go for a check up. As my father is a drunkard, I also showed him the story about the person who drinks. Whenever he goes for drinking, he normally comes back home and starts using bad words to us his children and starts complaining that our mother and us have bad plans against him. Yet in the morning, he denies that he said anything concerning that. Later my father changed. He stopped drinking so much and he is no longer says bad words to us. He told us, 'You (his children) will have a good future because of the teaching you're getting from this program.'”
“My husband did not love me because he would go to other women and at times not come back home. My husband was the kind of man who did not bother to discuss things with me. I took the small books home and one day I came back and found him reading. He started commenting on the program... that it is good. So every time we trained, he would come and attend silently. Going back home, he sat me down and told me that he has been angry because I would not perform my duties as a woman and also he explained parts of his failures. So though not perfect yet, I am happy my husband comes home and sleeps with me now... there has been a change.”
“I used to be shy and could not talk in public. Now I can speak in public without fear and I am called 'teacher' of our society now. I am now a counselor in domestic matters to men and women in the community. Since reading and discussing the stories, I gathered the confidence to stand before people and talk. This program changed my life. I feel pride because women come to me for advice.”
Pwonyere obedo leyo tam! Wan omito bedo kwo! An dang amito bedo ame akwo! Yin kono?
Education is a Conversation! We Want to Live! I Want to Live! Don't You?

The Uganda program is written in Luo and English and includes a facilitator's guide. This project includes stories about migration and risk, love, jealousy, pleasure, sexual initiation, family and clan support, domestic and sexual violence, infertility, widow inheritance, migration, violence towards women due to war, bride price, teen pregnancy, poor communication between youth and between youth and adults, orphans, only girl children, sex workers, soldiers, gossip, jealousy, rumors, alcohol and abuse, alcohol addiction and basic information about sexual and reproductive health including HIV and AIDS and sexual rights for adolescents and adults. This program is copyrighted by Kathleen Cash.